Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gargling lemon help to quit smoking

Quit smoking is the desire of many people, but unfortunately quit smoking is not easy to do, before your read quit smoking tips in the below, you need ask question to yourself, why did i quit smoking. when you really know why you should quit smoking, you will easily apply the following tips to stop smoking

1. Gargling with lemon water
Lemon juice is known to contain a number of glucose can help reduce smoking, University of Georgia conducted a study involving 51 volunteers, to measure the level of concentration and energy. Participants respondents were divided into 2 groups, the first group was given real sugar, and the second group is given a lemon with a little sugar.

The research results found that respondents who gargled with real sugar, has a high concentration higher than respondents who gargling with lemon juice.
According to Prof. Leonard Martin, an expert from the university georgia, trials can stimulate glucose sensor of simple carbohydrates on the tongue, then the brain will be the signal for the ruling body. If you want to quit smoking, do gargling with lemon juice habit which given real sugar, it can help you stop smoking in quick time

2 Routine exercise every day.

sports activities are carried out every day, can avoid the urge to smoke, in addition to the benefits of exercise, may provide for the health of the body

3. Understand the causes of the desire to smoke.

find out what are the causes that give rise to the desire to smoke, for example, a person will likely want to smoke when subjected to stress and boredom. Perform activities that can distract you from the urge to smoke.

4. Fighting and determined to quit smoking.
None of the best tips, in addition to determined to stop smoking, when you feel the urge to smoke, try to wait up to 5 minutes before lighting a cigarette. then the next day, extend your wait time to 10 minutes, in the end you will slowly reduce the desire to smoke